So hai guys, remember when I used to blawgh, n'shit? Yeah, me neither. But seriously though, my life has been kinda nuts. Lots of fantastic'ness. Lots of horrible, horrible, fuckupidness. But that said! People are still reading this shit, which I think is fantastic! (Hoooolla!) I promise I'll try and think up some more hilarity for this abyss and keep ya'll entertained. Also, did ya'll know I'm a Twit? You can follow me @renmarshall on the Twittersphere. Lots of luuuurve!
I laughed so hard I think I actually squeezed out a couple drops of pee!!
As a long time sufferer of bronchial infections, I've been taking buckley's for years. And I equate the taste to liquid noxema. YAH. That expression pretty much covers it.
why did you willingly take that shit??
It might be a Canadian institution, but so is hockey and duct tape and that never got us anywhere.
Thanks for the props, btw. I still stand by my statement that Buckley's = le semen.