Bye Bye Black Sheep...

According to scientists the numbers of black sheep (wool) is dwindling. They suspect this could be due largely in part to global warming and climate change.
According to Discovery News, the number of black sheep (Soay) of St.Kilda's in Scotland have dwindled from 80% of the heard to less than 70%. Generally, sheep with one black wool gene rather than two genes tend to be better survive rs. Black sheep on the island also tend to be largers and have an easier time surviving the cold weather of the island all together. (...)

Youth of the 'emo' trend have been frantically searching for other words to bastardize use to describe their place in their families. Some suggestions include: burden, dead weight, freeloader, and embarrassment.

I fund? Or chicken nuggets?

Some socio-political groups have taken it upon themselves to spread the word on the crisis in an attempt to stop global warming as well as the raise awareness about the White Man keeping the Black Sheep down.

"I believe in sheep, and that all sheep should be respected as such, regardless of their color."
-Something Malcolm X may or may not have said and some point...

Consequently, Scientists have also noted that due to climate change, grass-foods have been made readily available all year round, thus giving smaller/medium sheep a better chance at survival over the harsh winter months. (...)

So my final thought to you, reader is: Would a world, overthrown by sheep really be so bad? Thank YOU Global Warming!

George Reeves approves of Global Warming

To see what a world overthrown by sheep would look like, CLICK HERE!
To listen to what would happen if 'Black Sheep' were a rap group... CLICK HERE


Why you gotta be so awesome?

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