WARNING: This is not a funny post. I'm mad as hell. This won't be a frequent occurrence, I promise. I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it. I don't get how in a modern age, a piece of paper is the only thing that dictates who you are as a societal character. 30 years ago, working your way up, or possibly having a Fat Cat for a father-in-law helped you become a somebody. Respect was something you earned, or possibly something you were given due to a bloodline. 80 years ago, you could start out as a Jewish-Polish Immigrant Nazi-Supporter shining shoes and working in a glue factory, only to work your way up to King of the World. 40 years ago, same idea - only people were starting to consider a post-secondary education and women were finally being included. Now you're not considered qualified to do anything without a certificate to prove it! Experience, innovative-thinking, brains, brilliance and brawn get you nowhere without dedicating at least 4 years of you...