The Swashbuckler
On the topic of ironically sexy Halloween costumes, I thought I'd start out with one that's become a fad in recent years: The Pirate. The Sexy Pirate has had a reoccurring roll as a sexy costume for the last few decades, but it wasn't until the release, and chaos surrounding Pirate of the Caribbean films, that they made the splash as numero uno in the nearly inappropriate category. It's easy to determine why exactly a lady pirate would be sexy. First, they're fugitives, thieves, convicts and quite frankly, Bad Asses are irresistible, no matter the sex. Secondly, pirates = adventure! Obviously, Pirates are savvy and street open sea smart. Lastly, Bitch could cut'chu. Dangerous = HAWT x infinity. What makes this costume ironic is that we all know that Pirates were NOT sexy. Infact, most pirates were sickly, malnourished, and died young. The women, if not sex slaves, were likely dressed as men. Actually a woman Other than that, pirates were riddled with disea...