I can't make this shit up...

So upon doing research for an upcoming blog post I came across this little diddy of an article:

Anal sex according to the bible?

Yeah. According to this article, anal sex is condoned in the bible as an alternative to premarital sex. Apparently God doesn't condem the act of anal sex, he condems Gays and condones anal rape of virgins.

Here's a passage from the article talking about passages from the bible that detail anal sex between a man and a woman.

“I thought the Bible said anal sex was a sin.”

This is a common misconception. Anal sex is confusing to many Christians because of the attention paid to the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual acts. However, it’s important to realize that these often quoted scriptures refer only to sexual acts between two men. Nowhere does the Bible forbid anal sex between a male and female. In fact, many Biblical passages allude to the act of anal sex between men and women. Lamentations 2:10 describes how “The virgins of Jerusalem have bowed their heads to the ground,” indicating how a virginal maidens should position themselves to receive anal sex. Another suggestive scripture tells of a woman’s pride in her “valley” (referring to her buttocks and the cleft between them) and entices her lover to ejaculate against her backside: "How boastful you are about the valleys! O backsliding daughter who trusts in her treasures, {saying,} ' Who will come against me?' (Jeremiah 49:4) And in the Song of Songs, the lover urges his mate to allow him to enter her from behind: “Draw me after you, let us make haste.” (Song of Solomon, 1:4)

I got a great little kick out of this article.

As I myself am an endorser of the Bum Love, I still can't help but get a chuckle out of someone suggesting that the Bible might actually condone anal sex. The Bible might be alot of fairy taley hootinanny, but Christian Kama Sutra it ain't.



That website must be a hoax. That is seriously some of the funniest shit I have ever read.

"Before beginning the art of fisting, a Christian husband and wife should pray to the God for guidance". G-O-L-D.

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