And now for something completely different...

A Public Services Announcement

Do you, or someone you know get little to no sleep everynight? Do you feel the insessent need to tell everyone you meet about the disgustingly low amount of sleep you get?

Well, from the makers of the Bug Vac comes:

The Nobody Be Givin' a Shit

Nobody gives a shit about how little sleep you got last night. No one cares if you reached REM sleep or not. The simple fact of the matter is that you're not cool just because you're an insomniac.

I'm sick and tired of people comparing the amount of sleep they got.

1:"Oh man - I'm sooo tired! I only got like, an hours sleep last night."
2:"Oh - you think you've got it bad. I've only had 2 minutes of sleep in the last 3 weeks."
Me:"Holy Fucking Christ - I don't give a shit."

You don't need to be comparing that shit. For serious. Nobody. Cares.


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