Bees on Drugs

So as if cell phones weren't enough, Australian Researchers have now given bees cocaine to examine it's effects on the insect.

The soci-dynamics of a honey bee colony is quite complex. Every bee has it's role and every role is important. But as much as the colony depends on their Queen to keep the population steady, they rely equally on those of the colony who work at gathering the best pollen for their tribe.

That being said, in order to collect the bounty, honey bees must trek out into the wide unknown in search of said tasty pollen and return to the hive to deliver the message of sweet goodness to the other members of the colony so that other collector bees can go and help with the collection process.

Now, as if you're stupid, I'm going to mention that since bees don't have developed speech, they do however have a very intricate form of visual communication which involves a series of complex dance moves to help direct the other bees to the bounty.

Upon finding a hell of a stash of clover (for example) the honey bill will rush back to it's hive and enthusiastically dance out directions for the other bees, much like the excitement a group of 12 year old boys share upon finding a dead body in a gorge.
And ultimately, should their relic hunting result in a mediocre find, the bee will return and perform a less than thrilling dance for the other bees...

Ren-andthensome, what does this have to do with narcotics?

Well, I'll tell you.

As I mentioned, Australian researchers administered a low dose of cocaine to the backs of honey bees. The blow resulted in a reaction much like that of a human: extreme enthusiasm.

Imagine you just huffed some coke off the backside of a trucker named Biff, and then made your way to the jukebox to play yourself some Ring of Fire. I can guarantee that after your little indiscretion, that song will never sound better. The sights, the scents, even the company of the little dive you're currently rocking your face off will be about as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride without a seatbelt.

The same can be said for bees on cocaine.

The addict honey bee will head out, as if it were any other work day, and proceed to hunt down it's treasure. Well, lo' and behold the bee comes across a field of lush, pollinated, mutha'of'a'wild flower patch and decides "Oh man - I GOTTA tell the girls* about this!" So Little Suzy Huff n' Blow books it back to the hive to use those 10 years of interpretive jazz dance classes to the extreme for the good of the hive.

So much like your run in with a jukebox and some Johnny Cash, this bee just goes to town on her moves and Napoleon Dynamites her way through the directions.
The other bees, stoked at her enthusiasm and rush out to the flower patch only to find that the "patch" is less than satisfactory and return, disgruntled to the hive.

In short: Cocaine + Bees = Too much enthusiasm = Disgruntled roommates.

Therefore, bees + cocaine = Hilarity.

Also, as a side note, the bees also went through symptoms of withdrawal and had to be put on liquid cocaine for a week before the scientists opted to make them go cold turkey on the drug.

You can learn more about the study by clicking here

*The honey bees that go out in search of food are female.


Shit son! I'd heard about them testing coke on bees but I didn't know what came out of it.

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