The Global Cast...of my heart.

So today at lunch, I opted for some Micky D's, because lets face it - I'm lovin' it.

When I returned to the office, I noticed yet another fresh faced "Global Casting Star" gracing the side of my luncheon bag. Today's fresh face was none other than Terri from Sevierville, TN U.S.A. Terri is described as being a "Pioneering wheelchair rappeller". If you don't know what she's doing in the picture that accompanies this bio, one might assume it involves huffing wheelchairs in some sort of par-Olympic style shot-put.

Not -exactly- what I meant...

What she's -actually- doing is wheelchair rock climbing.

Terri doing what she do

It was a little difficult to find any information on Terri. After a bit of research though, I found out that her real name is Teresa Kusmierczyk. She applied to be a "Global Casting Star" under the stage name Terri Kacie - the same name she used when competing for the title of Miss Wheelchair Florida 1991. Terri is a 40-year veteran of Girl Scouts and a longtime leader with Girl Scouts of Suncoast Council.

Originally, I looked at my McDonald's bag and asked myself why it is that some people with disabilities opt to pursue activities that clearly require the part of their body that they're disabled from. Why not try some tole painting? But after reading more about Terri, it occurred to me that some people just want to push the limits. Terri, defined as being a "Woman of Distinction" seems to be the type that likes to push the boundaries. Maybe I'm more envious since I'm a lazy ass and will never be bothered to attempt to rock climb - with, or without the use of my legs.

Or maybe I'm just bitter because part of me feels that actual McDonalds customers should be featured on the bags holding the food they love so much.

"Ba-dah bah bah bah...."

What would you do for a Big Mac? retrospect, I think personally pursuing a career in advertising would be ill-advised.


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