A Breakdown of Ford Owners...

So, I recently got my first car.

It's a white, 1998 Suzuki Swift.

Aptly named "The Doominator", I'm in love with my sweet ride. It's teeny weeny but regardless, it's awesome to the max.

So, that being said. I've been driving everywhere. I chaufeur, I go on roadtrips, and I rock out to my kick ass panasonic CD player with anti-theft removable face plate.

Can I get a "HELL YAH"?

But I digress.

I know people who swear by the make of their car.

Dodge! Honda! Toyota! Ford!

Personally, I don't care. If the thing runs, I dun't care!

But some people just get really uptight. And there's always those stereotypes who drive a certain car.

Yah - you know.

That being said.

Yesterday I was driving to the West End of Ottawa to pick up a friend of mine. My sister and I were sitting in The Doominator, enjoying the beautiful day, and as I'm about to turn the corner, out of nowhere I hear a loud HONK!!!
I stop my car, and there flies a Ford Edge...

Yah. Ford Edge. So, the guy driving this car casts me a nasty look and continues to gun it up the road. He was gunning at least 80kmh in a 50km zone.

But then it hit me:

Who the hell drives a Ford Edge?

Honestly. Until yesterday, I don't think I've ever even heard of a Ford Edge.

So, I decided to do a little reasearch on this vehicle.

According to Wikipedia, the Ford Edge was created in 2007.

So homie ain't likin' the old goods.

It's a mid-size cross over SUV

Homie don't care about the environment... or real-sized anything *COUGH*LITTLEPENIS*COUGH*

As a crossover vehicle, the Edge bridges the gap between minivans and truck-based SUV's.

Homie ain't got no kids... and no lady's diggin' his truck.

Homie be sitting on the fence.

It's v-6 engine was designed in a colaboration between Ford and General Motors.

Homie likes this new-breed o' non-family-having little-penis-owning vehicle to be fast... like his momma, and his engine be power by the Great Satan - chock full o' Beeazulbuby-goodness.

It's a five-seater only.

Homie ain't got more than 4 friends.

"There are no fewer than six cupholders dotted around the cabin, including juice box holders in the rear door pockets, and a monstrous center console that will easily swallow a laptop or the largest handbag we could imagine"

Say it with me: HOMIE - AIN'T GOT - NO FAMILY. Pfft... "Juicebox holders" Console swallows laptops ONLY.

You can tell anything about people by the type of car they drive... and how much they like to honk their horns.

Try it for yourself.

Break 'er on down!


6 cup holders for 5 seats, very suave.

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