Hollywood says: AVADA KEDAVRA to plot points, but Aparates with 3-D GLORY!

So, as you all may well know, the Harry Potter franchise just finished off the saga with its 7th, and last book in the series, and will be continuing the Blockbuster niche until all 7 books have been made into feature films, thus making Miss Rowlings a very wealthy woman.

That being said, I'm definitely into the hype.

At first, I tried to snub the fad. But my little brother convinced me to at least read the first book to see if I liked it.

I did.

In fact, I got so caught up in the hype, that when The Philosopher's Stone premiered at the theatres, I went in full Harry Potter garb.

Complete with my Hogwarts t-shirt, a Burgundy and gold scarf, and a scar scribbled in my forehead in eyeliner. I think I was the only teenager there.

I continued on with the books until reaching the longest book in the series. Book 5: The Order of the Phoenix. The copy I had had 766 pages. Nearly double that of the previous books. But the difference between this book and the others was that our protagonist was hitting his pubescent angsty phase, and therefore, the beginning half of the book is of Harry moping and complaining about everything. Screw the fact that the fate of the Wizarding world rests in his hands. Fuck the fact that he's the most powerful anything at Hogwarts (next to Dumbledor, of course) the kid's fucking moaning that he has to live with his hateful relatives (at least by this point he has his own room...jeeze.) He's bemoaning the fact that his parents are dead (first of all, he never knew them to begin with. Second of all, they fucking died to save him! THAT'S A BIG DEAL!!1ONE!!) He thinks no one understands him (and doesn't think for a second that maybe, just maybe they care about him soo much, that they're avoiding him for his own safety) And takes out his anger on everyone, because the Headmaster of his school won't talk to him.

HELLO?! Kid, listen: Fucking You-know-who is back! And without his nose - so he's pissed, and he's tried to kill you in 4 books already, people have died trying to protect you, and you don't think for a second that maybe people are treating you differently because you are, in fact, the centre of attention?

Jesus Christ.

Anyways, so, needless to say, my first bout of reading Book 5 ended abruptly.

It wasn't until the film debuted that I realised that it had to get read in order for me to go see the movie.

Yah, I'm one of "those" people - deal with it.

So I ventured forth on my quest to read the epic novel of angst and disgruntled-ness as quickly as I possibly could, so I could go see the movie.

I finished the book about 2 weeks ago. It took me a few weeks to finish, but I blame that on my commitment issues.

So tonight it happened: I went to see the film.

Now, here in Canada, we have this thing called the IMAX. Basically, what it is is some suped up movie screen and a theatre room packed with speakers. The screen itself is gigantic so you have the opportunity to really get into the film.

So, awesome as that is, the night got better.

To my surprise, upon entering the theater, I'm handed some glasses...

Oh heeeeeellz yeeeessss!

That's right my friends:


IN 3-D!!!!!!!

The movie itself was the abridged version - I would have totally been happy with the 4 hour film it should have been... but the glasses -totally- made up for it.

The entire thing was not in 3-D.

But the end climax* most surely was.

*I'd like to make a side note that I think everything having to do with any sort of climax should come with 3-D glasses...

But I digress.

The end was not done justice in the book as well as it was in 3-D at the IMAX.

That's right - I said it.

So fuck you Rowlings and your lack of 3-D in your works of fiction!

So, while alot of taken out of the story to make for better filmage, the adventure of my creaming at the excitement that is 3-Dimensional Wizard love was definitely worth the neglecting of crucial plot points.

You want plot points? Read the fucking novel.
Go 3-D or go home!


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