Christ's Glory and the Interweb

I try really, really hard not to bring up the topic of religion on my site (with the obvious exception of what readers vote for;DEMOCRACY!!!).

But, with the obvious goal of this site to be for entertainment, I felt it only fitting that this little ditty of a quote be thrown in here.

Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.
- Pat Robertson Quotes from the Religious Right

I peed my pants a little when I read this one.

If you're wondering where I happened across this little gem, you can thank Grand Master Awesome.

The website with all the zany quotes is:

...and it really is.

As I was setting up my linkeroos for this post, I noticed that said quoter, Pat Robinson seemed to be mentioned quite a few times.

Turns out he's a Televangilist!

You can check out his website to learn a little bit more about this whackjob holy man and learn about what voices tell him his Religious Views and philosophies, fast facts about your favorite disciple, and even a few of his favorite things.

Here's a list of his Favorite Things as mentioned on his website:

Starting companies/Financial transactions

Churches/Mob Money

Protein health shake

Because eggs are Chicken abortions and the Old Testament forbids the lovin' of bacon

Fried chicken

"And the Lord sayeth onto his disciples: 'My Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy finger lickin' chicken' "


Except Apples.

"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Midi Music and Lyrics

Iced tea

Only 'cause Lemonade is wicked-sinful. "There's Sulfur in there" - Pennyweather Lemonade


It's an extra Godly Colour....Example. Example. Example. Example. Example.

Participatory Sport:
Horse riding and training; Weight lifting; Golf

The first rule of Fight Club...

Sports Figure:
Joe Lewis


Parlor Game:
None (former poker player)

Because Gambling is a Sin

Country, Oldies, Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals

And he hates Gays?


I seriously would have pegged The Bible as a shoe-in for this one.

Jesus Christ, George Washington

In that order. Didn't make the cut: This Guy from Poltergeist II

Most Unforgettable Moment:
When I accepted Christ as my Savior in 1956

His faith was tested when The Methodist Church granted women full ordained clergy status.

Most Valued Advice:
"Nobility obligates" - Advice from College Dean to Freshman Class

This quote lead to this quote**:

“When lawlessness is abroad in the land, the same thing will happen here that happened in Nazi Germany. Many of those people involved in Adolph Hitler were Satanists. Many of them were homosexuals. The two things seem to go together.”
- 700 Club, 1-21-93 (source: People for the American Way Foundation)

**NOTE: I looked up anti-gay quotes to be funny, and seriously, the first thing that popped up on Google was a quote from PAT ROBINSON!


I can't believe you didn't know Pat Robertson! He's the KING of crazy Jesus freaks. He also has some stellar anti-feminists quotes.

Case in point of his contraDICKtory ways?

He hates the gays but his favourite dessert is fruit. Fruit. Hmm...
Anonymous said…
Ren-Ren, I think I might love you. You made me laugh.

Honestly, though, I'm a little surprised you'd never heard of that goofball before. Between him and Fred Phelps there's a treasure trove of funny quotes.
Yve! said…
HAHAHAHAH damen commented on your blog...before mine!!!

I ammend you for not paying any attention at all to those weirdo's. they are, to say the least, not worth the air they preach with.

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