The fear of God, in the hearts of babes...

Yesterday, during a class...

Kid 1: *SCREAMS* "He stole my pen and he SWORE at me!!"

Kid 2: "No I didn't!"

Kid 3: "Yes you did! You said the 'A' word!"

Me: "Okay kids, are we all supposed to be Scientists today, or just regular students?"

Class: "Scientists."

Me: "And do Scientists share, or do they fight with one another?"

Class: "Share."

Me: "And are we supposed to be friends, or enemies?"

Class: "Friends."

Me: "And is this a Catholic school, or a Public School?"

Class: "Catholic."

Me: "So then, do you this Jesus would be happy to know that you were swearing?"

Class: *with a look of fear on their faces* "No...!"

Me: "Well then - lets all get along then, shall we?"

The class was quiet thereafter.


Yve! said…
I would laugh...but don't catholic kinda look down their noses at science??

I mean...wouldn't jesus also be alittle pissed if the kids were you know...using their brains??

just asking is all..

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