Le Ennnnh!

Sorry folks! I know I've been MIA for the last little while. It's actually been because I've been without the internet for a few weeks now.

I'm having some serious withdrawl issues. I've gone so far as to commit myself to becoming the ultimate Guitar Hero and I must say, though my fingers are raw and calousey and both my wrists have simulaneously developed carpal tunnel syndrome, I'm feeling pretty bad ass.

Despite all that I've got some wicked-ass-shit coming up for y'all.

Seriously, tell yo'friends because I'm doing this all for the sake of edutainment.

One Word: Coprophagia

O - 2008 will be a mighty fine year, readers! Mighty Fine!


I'm glad to see your triumphant return. My life has been sad without your blog and my blog has been sad without you.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

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