First Annual...

Today is the first annual Remembering Coolio Day.

Coolio, ne Artis Leon Ivey, Jr. is best known for his artistic contribution to the early/mid-90's rap scene.

From his stealing from the blind to his bizzare and eccentric hair styles, Coolio single handedly brought rap parody into our vocabulary.

How? With none other than Weird Al's Amish Paradise.

You may remember this little diddy from Wierd Al's critically acclaimed 1996 album Bad Hair Day.
If you weren't singing along to this song at some point in the 90's, you were probably Living in an Amish Paradise.

If you're wondering what ever happened to Coolio, apart from making guest appearances on shows such as Celebrity Bootcamp, Beat the Geeks, and Celebrity Fear Factor, he also did the voice of Kwaanza-Bot on Futurama.

Curently he is hosting his own cooking show pod-cast called Cooking with Coolio for the network MyDamnChannel.

Let's Hear it for COOLIO!!!


"1,2,3,4 get your womyn on the floor, gotta gotta get up, get down, gotta gotta get up, get down".


I heart you Coolio.

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