The hunt is ON!

...for witches that is.

1,000 supposed witches have been rounded up in Gambia by Witch Doctors and are being forced to drink a hallucinogenic substance in order to have them confess to witchcraft. The liquid has prompted kidney failure in some of the witches which has resulted in has the severe beatings. You can bet your sweet buttons Amnesty International isn't too pleased.

Amnesty International was quoted to have said:
"Damnit! Now who're we gonna get to cure AIDS?!"

This witch-hunt started when the president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, suspected witches were behind the death of his aunt earlier this year and enlisted the help of Witch Doctors to help combat the evil-doings of these evil...doers?

"It's alright...I'm a doctor."

President Yahya Jammeh seized power in a 1994 coup. His government has been accused of several murders over the last few years, though all of which have been thoroughly denied.

Oh, and did I mention he can cure AIDS?

He is also reported to have resurrected Biggie Smalls

Yeah - apparently cures the AIDS in his Presidential Palace with the use of herbs and incantations... I guess that's why the man has such high approval ratings?

I dunno though...sounds alot like witchcraft to me...

NOTE TO SELF: Don't visit Western African any time soon...



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