Justice DOES PREVAIL in the postal system!

So does your woh-man deliver, or does she deliver?

Some of you might remember the news that Canada Post's Santa Letter Service had been bushwacked by someone or something posing as Santa Claus. This "individual" was sending nasty letters back to little kids and therefore, for the first time in 26 years the program had to be stopped.

Well ladies and Gentlemen... the perps have been CAUGHT!

Sure - the inquiry went right into mid-January, but the important part is that the justice of the postal service did prevail!

They're calling the perps a couple of "Rogue Elves" - saying that they were not children of any of the Canada Post Volunteers. According to Live88.5, the incident was however, done by some 'younger' individuals.

You can read the accompanying article here

Don't worry, parents!

Your children are now safe from: HARASSMENT SANTA!

PS> Thanks to a miss Feminist Catalyst for sharing the love.


No problem chickita. I figured you should be a good journalist and follow up your story!

But honestly, I can't wait for the day that these letters go public. That shit would make a KILLING on eBay. But nonetheless, I want to know the juicy details. But I'm a perv like that.

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